
MBA Managerial Economics Question Paper Nagpur University

RTMNU MBA EXAM PAPER :- MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS MBA Managerial Economics Question Paper Nagpur University
MDN/KS/09 - 1872-A
Second Semester Master of Business Administration (M. B. A) Examination
(New Course)
Paper - II
Time : Three Hours ]    [ Max. Marks : 80

N. B. •( I) Attempt five questions, atleast two questions from each section are compulsory. (2) All questions carry equal marks.
I . ''The concept of elasticity of' demand and deniond forecasting are versatile tools of economic analysis'. Discuss the validity of the statement with appropriate examples.

2. What is meant by the Economies of Scale ? What are the different source-, of internal and external economics of scale ?
3. (a)    Define and explain the features of oligopoly.
.   (b)   Entertainment India manufacrures CDs and has the following cost function 
Assuming that the firm is a price – taker in the market and that the going  market price is Rs.500 per unit, what would be the profit maximizing output? 
4.Discuss the cost-plus zoethod of pricing. What are its limitation :
5. Discuss the concept off Asymmetric information, with the help of suitable examples.
6. Define the term `in8atjcxn' Explain the causes and measures to control M_!Eiation.

7. What are the main cwbJectives of fiscal policy?Briefly describe the -,)le of fiscal policy in a
developing econoiny.

8. What are the different phases of a business cycle? How is private business affected during the different phases :

9. Explain the various measures that can be adopted to correct disequil:brium in the Balance of payments.

10_ Discuss the factors determining economic environment of business, highlighting on the present scenario of Indian Economy.


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