
BE Engineering Physics Question paper nagpur university

BE Engineering Physics Question paper nagpur university Engineering first year applied Physics


BE Engineering Social Science Question Paper Nagpur University

BE Engineering Social Science Question Paper Nagpur University Engineering first year Social Science


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Engineering BE Applies Chemistry Question paper Nagpur University Engineering :- year 2010 applies chemistry

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Engineering BE English Question paper nagpur university

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Engineering BE Applied Mathematics Question paper nagpur university

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MBA Financial Management Question paper nagpur University

MBA  Financial Management Question paper nagpur University (MBA) Examination :- Financial Management

MDN/KS/09 - 1878
                            Second Semester Master of Business
Administration (MBA) Examination
(New Course)
Specialisation - I( Gr - B- Financial Management)
Paper - II
Time : Three Hours ]    [Max. Marks : 80

N. B. :    (1) Attempt five questions ; at least two questions
from each section are compulsory. (2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain the steps in planning of a new project.

 2. `'Takeover strategy for expansion will be a craze inCorporate World". - Elucidate.

3. A company is considering two exclusive projects X and Y, project X costs Rs. 30,000 and project Y R.s. 36,000. You have been given below the net present value probability distribution for each project.
Project - X    Project - Y
 NPV           Probability      NPV    Probability
  (Rs.)      (Rs.)
   3,000            0.1         3,000    0.2
   6,000            0.4         6,000    0.3

12,000    0.4    12,000    0.3       
15,000    0.1    15,000    0.2    

(i) Compute the expected net present value of project X and Y.
(ii) Compute the risk attached to each project.
(iii) Which project do you consider more risky and why %
(iv) Compute the profitability index of each project.

4. Explain the concept of optimal capital structure. Discuss MM approach and Traditional position of capital structure evaluation.

5. JBC Ltd. sells goods- on a gross profit of 25%. Depreciation is considered as a part of cost of production. The following are the annual figurers given to you


Particulars        Amount       
Sales (2 months credit)    Rs.    18,00,000       
Material (1 month credit)        4,50,000       
Wages paid
(1 month lag in payment)        3,60,000       
Cash Manufacturing Expenses
(1 month lag in payment)        4,80,000       
Administrative Expenses
(1 month lag in payment)        1,20,000       
Sales Promotion Expenses
(Paid quarterly in advance)        60,000    

The company keeps one month's stock each of Raw materials and finished goods. It also keeps Ks. 1,00,000 in cash. You are required to estimate the working capital requirements of the company on cash cost basis, assuming I:i% safety margin.


6. "Efficient Cash Management will aim at Maximizing the availability of cash inflow by decentralizing collections and decelerating cash out flow by centralizing the disbursement" % Discuss and explain.
7. What is the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) : What were its objectives : Do you subscribe to the view that MOVs in PSEs have led to their better performance ?

8. Discuss various aspects of computation of Economic Value Added (EVA) and its application in business planning and valuation.

9. DLP .I'vt. Limited is considering the possibility of purchasing a multipurpose machine which costs Rs. 10,00,000. The machine 'has an expected life of 5 years. The machine generates Rs. 6,00,000 per year before depreciation and tax and the management wishes to dispose the machine at the end of 5 years which will fetch Rs. 1,50,000. The depreciaion allowable for the machine -i-,25% on written down value and the company tax- -rate is, 50%. The company approached a NBFC for a five year lease for financing the asset which quoted arate of Rs. 28 per thousand per month. The company wants you to evaluate the propo--sal withpurchase option. The cost of capital of the company is 12% and for lease option it wants your to consider a discount rate of 16%.

10. A trader whose current sales are Rs. 15,00,000 per Annum and average collection period is 30 days wants to pursue a more liberal credit policy to improve sales. A study made by a consultant firm reveals the following information.

Credit Policy    Increase in        Increase       
    Collection Period        in sales       
    1 5 days    Rs.    60,000       
B    30 days        90,000       
C    45 days        1,50,000       
D    60 days        1,80,000       
E    90 days        2,00,000    

The selling price per unit is Rs. 5. Average cost per unit is 4_and variable-cost per unit is
Ks. 2.75. The required rate of return on additional investment is 20%. Assume 3(i0 days a year and also assume that there are no bad~ cleats. Which of the above policies would you recommend for adoption?

MBA Group A Brand Management Question Papers Nagpur University

(MBA) Examination :- Group A : Marketing Management - MBA Group A Brand Management Question Papers Nagpur University

MDN/KS/09 - 1876-A
Second Semester Master of Business
Administration (MBA) Examination

(New Course)
Group A : Marketing Management
Paper II
Time : Three Hours]    [Max. Marks : 80

N. B. :(1) Attempt any five questions, atleast two questions from each section are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION A
1. What are the managerial aspects involved in product planning ?
2. What are the various purposes of branding ? Does a brand always identify the source of a product ? Give examples of the kinds of products that are difficult to brand.
3. What are the steps involved in Brand Positioning ? Explain the various positioning platforms using suitable examples.
4. Explain the various issues involved in Managing Brand Equity.

5. Discuss what factors contribute to the success or failure of a brand in the market place by picking up one example each from on FMCG and consumer electronics of your choice.
6. What are the criteria for choosing brand elements to build brand equity ?
7. What are the reasons for brand extensions ? Discuss basis for brand extension with suitable examples.
8. Explain the role of communication strategy in Brand Personality.
9. Write notes on (any two) (a) Celebrity endorsement (b) Agony appeal (c) Tear appeal
(d) Humour appeal
10. How will you design a branding strategy for a product to be launched in the international market :

MBA Marketing Management Question papers Nagpur University

RTMNU MBA EXAM PAPER :- Group A : Marketing Management MBA Marketing Management Question papers  Nagpur University

MDN/KS/09 - 1875-A
Second Semester Master of Business Administration (M. B. A)        Examination
(New Course)
Group A : Marketing Management
Paper - I
Time : Three Hours ]    [ Max. Marks : 80
N. B. : (l) Attempt five questions, atleast two questions from each section are compulsory. (2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. What could be the promotion mix components and objectives of followings. Explain and justify your responses :­
(1)    Frozen chicken.
(ii)    Beach side cofe coffee Day restaurant.
(iii)    Premium brand toilet soap.
(iv)    Racer's Bike.
2. Explain with . appropriate examples how, as per the P. L. C, the Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) objectives changes.
3. `Go - Green- is the township project of 'Nagpur­Builders' which they want to launch in Nagpur suggest the company.    '
(i)    Special attributes of the project with Unique
selling proposition (LT.. S. P).
(ii)    Marketing communication strategies for positioning and building the brand.

4. Why is Marketing Communication Research important .= Explain how Advertising and Target Market Research is conducted.

5. (i)    Explain the importance of word of mouth communication in Brand promotion.
(ii)    Identify and explain the roles of :­
(a) Opinion leaders in purchase of agricultural equipments and fertilizers.
(b) Reference Groups in purchase of Mobiles and Luxury cars.
6. "The effectiveness of advertising depends upon the extend to which the advertising message is received and accepted by the target audience". Discuss the statement. Explain the advertising Message Execution process.
-7. Explain the term `Account Management'. What efforts should be taken to improve Client Agency Interface.
8. Explain "Pull and Push" strategy of promotion through channels. How does it have an edge over personal selling.
9. Explain the principles and concepts of Corporate Communication.
10. Write notes on (any two) :­
(a)    Legal and ethical issues in I M C.
(b)    Communication in Multicultural Marketing.
(c)    Internet and e-commerce Media.
(d)    Trade shows and event sponsorship.

MBA Organisation behaviour & development Question papers Nagpur university

NAGPUR UNIVERSITY :- (M. B. A) Examination : ORGANISATION BEHAVIOUR AND DEVELOPMENT - MBA Organisation behaviour & development  Question papers Nagpur university

MDN/KS/09 - 1871-A
Second Semester Master of Business Administration (M. B. A) Examination
(New Course)

Time : Three Hours I    [ Max. Marks : 80
N. B.    (1) Attempt five questions. At Least two questions from each section are compulsory. (2) All questions carry equal marks.

1. Elaborate the concept `Organisational Behaviour'. Describe the nature and components of organisations. Why do organisations exist %

2. What do you mean by the term 'Perception' ? What determines perception ? Discuss its various forms.

3. Define Learning. Explain the theories of classical conditioning and operant conditioning.

4. What is meant by `Attitude' ? Discuss the different components of attitudes. How does attitude related with behaviour ?
Write notes on (any two) 
     (a)    Motivation and Health

(b)    Mc clelland's Achievement Theory of Motivation.
 (c)Application of motivation concept.
(d)    X and Y.'Theory of Motivation.
6. Explain the concepts Groups and Teams. What are the general criteria for selecting team members and team building %
7. (a)Explain substantive and emotional conflicts.
   (b)State the causes and sources of conflict in an organisation.
8. "Change is the lifeline of the organisation". Elucidate.

9. What is organisation development % Discuss its need and process.

10. Write notes on (any two) :­
(a)Grid Training
(b)Survey method and feedback.
(c)Transactional Analysis
(d)Process consultation method.

MBA Business Research Question paper nagpur University

MBA Business Research Question paper nagpur University


 MDN/KS/Q9 - 1874-A

Second Semester Master of Business

Administration (M. B. A.) Examination
(New Course)
Paper IV
Time : Three Hours]    [Max. Marks : 80

N. B. : (1) Attempt five questions. Atleast two questions from each section are compulsory. (2) All questions carry equal marks.

1. Write a lucid note on "the relevance of research in management"
2. What do you understand by research design ? Explain the types of research designs with examples.
3. Explain stratified sampling and Quota sampling with examples.
4. What are the different methods of measurement : Describe them with examples.
5. Design a questionnaire to evaluate consumer satisfaction/service quality for the Vodafone Customer Care Centre.
6. Explain the various types of non sampling errors. How can these errors be minimised ?

7. Write a notes on :­
(a) Cluster Analysis
(b) Multi Dimensional Scaling

8.    (a) Distinguish between Type I and Type II error.
(b) What are the factors determining the choice of the appropriate statistical technique for hypothesis testing ?
9. What do you understand by interpretation of data ? Illustrate the types of mistakes which frequently occur in interpretation.
10. Design a research plan for the following :­
Blue star cycles Ltd. intends to launch New Bicycles and wants to position it as a means of improving physical fitness as well as reducing air pollution.

MBA Environmental management Question Papers nagpur University

RTMNU PAPER SET :- (M. B. A.) Examination ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT MBA Environmental management Question Papers nagpur University
MDN/KS/09 - 1873-A
Second Semester Master of Business Administration (M. B. A.) Examination

(New Course)
Time : Three Hours I    [ Max. Marks : 80

N. B. :(1) Attempt five questions.
(2) Atleast two questions from each section are
(3) All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is sustainable development ~ Explain the premises, preconditions and agenda for sustainable development.

2. State the, types of Natural resources and its associated problems; Discuss the role of individual in conservation of natural resources.

3. What do you mean by ecosystem '- Enumerate different types of ecosystem found in nature.

4. How does global papulation growth affects the environment and human beings %

5. Write notes on (any two) :­

  (a) Environment Impact Assessment
. (b) Community Biodiversity register
c) The wild Life Protection Act.
 (d) Clearance for establishing industry. 
6.    (a) What is green house effects : How does it affect temperature and life on earth ?
(b) Describe how does chemical fertilizers and pesticides affect environment. How soil pollution can be controlled ?
7. Enlist pollutant generated from Domestic and Municipal activities. Discuss their ill effect on environment and measures to control them.

8. Elaborate the value of diversity and discuss Hot spot of biodiversity.

9. What are the effects of noise pollution on human and animal life : Discuss various dangerous effects of radiation on environment.
10. Write notes on (any two'i
 (a) Energy Conservation 
(b) Self initiation 
(c) Environmental Ethics
(d) Problems and concerns of resettlement due to construction of dams.

MBA Managerial Economics Question Paper Nagpur University

RTMNU MBA EXAM PAPER :- MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS MBA Managerial Economics Question Paper Nagpur University
MDN/KS/09 - 1872-A
Second Semester Master of Business Administration (M. B. A) Examination
(New Course)
Paper - II
Time : Three Hours ]    [ Max. Marks : 80

N. B. •( I) Attempt five questions, atleast two questions from each section are compulsory. (2) All questions carry equal marks.
I . ''The concept of elasticity of' demand and deniond forecasting are versatile tools of economic analysis'. Discuss the validity of the statement with appropriate examples.

2. What is meant by the Economies of Scale ? What are the different source-, of internal and external economics of scale ?
3. (a)    Define and explain the features of oligopoly.
.   (b)   Entertainment India manufacrures CDs and has the following cost function 
Assuming that the firm is a price – taker in the market and that the going  market price is Rs.500 per unit, what would be the profit maximizing output? 
4.Discuss the cost-plus zoethod of pricing. What are its limitation :
5. Discuss the concept off Asymmetric information, with the help of suitable examples.
6. Define the term `in8atjcxn' Explain the causes and measures to control M_!Eiation.

7. What are the main cwbJectives of fiscal policy?Briefly describe the -,)le of fiscal policy in a
developing econoiny.

8. What are the different phases of a business cycle? How is private business affected during the different phases :

9. Explain the various measures that can be adopted to correct disequil:brium in the Balance of payments.

10_ Discuss the factors determining economic environment of business, highlighting on the present scenario of Indian Economy.

MBA Financial Management Question paper Nagpur University

NAGPUR PAPERS :- MBA SEM 2 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - MBA Financial Management Question paper Nagpur University

MDN/KS/09 - 1877
Second Semester Master of Business Administration (M. B. A.) Examination
(New Course)
(Group - B)
Paper - I
(Corporate Taxation)
Time : Three Hours I    [ Max. Marks : 80

N. B. :(1) Attempt five questions atleast two questions from each section are compulsory. (2) All questions carry equal marks.

1. What are the different categories of Assessee divided with regard to residence : Explain the incidence of residence on tax liability.
2. The Profit and Loss Account of XYZ Ltd, for the year ended 31'1 March, 2008 shows a net profit of Rs. 15,00,000. The credits and debits in the profit and Loss account include the following items among others :­

Credits :    Rs.       
(i)    Dividend from an Indian
company (Gross)    1,00,000       
(ii)    Net Rent from House        
property (let out to outsiders) after debiting repairs Rs. 1000 and municipal . tax Rs. 3,000
Debits :
(i) Provision for Taxation _                                      20,00,000
(ii) Salary-to sales manager, @Rs.
8500 per month, cost of perquisites allowed to him
Rs. 14,000 for.the year.    1,16,000
(iii) Cost of maintenance of a liaison
office in New York for promoting
exports.    60,0()0
(iv) Legal expenses for contesting a
suit for eviction from a
premises used as a show room    3,000
(v) Expenses for obtaining a loan
from a financial institution for
acquiring new maehin--ry.    20,000
(vi) Amount embezzled b,• the
cashier of the companv,
which is irrecoverable    15,000
The company has distribution dividend Rs. 9,00,000 on 16.10.2007
Compute the income from Business of the company for the assessment year 2008-09.
3. Mr. P. Bros. Chennai running an industrial undertaken were ordered by city corporation, Chennai to shift their unit from urban area of chennai. They shifted their concern during 2007-08and in the process sold some of the assets whose details are given below. 

Acquired in    P&M
Rs.    Land
June 1983
Rs.    Building
Sale proceeds    10,00,000    8,00,000    12,00,000       
W. D. V. on 1. 4. 2007                   
[cost u/s. 50(2)]    4,40,000    -    7,32,500       
Cost of acquisition    6,00,000    1,40,000    10,00,000       
Amount invested
during Dec. 2006
due to shifting    8<00,000    2,00,000    5,00,000    
Compute the taxable capital gain for the assessment year 2008-09 (C • 1• 1• for 1983-84 is 116; 198'8-89 is 161 ; 2007-08 is 551).
4. What are the provisions governing the set-off of losses ?
o. While commencing a new business what factors should be kept in mind for taking decision regarding the form of organisation so that he gets the maximum tax facilities and concessions ?

6. Explain constitutional provisions authorising the levy and collection of duties of Central Excise, Customs and Central Sales Tax.
7. What are the steps involved in classifying products in Central Excise % Explain the provisions regarding Recovery and Refund of duties.

        8. State the history objects and main features of Central Sales Tax Act       1956.
..9)     What is Value Added Tax : Explain in detail Value Added Tax on sale or       purchase of goods under State Sales 'Fax Act 1959.
10. What do you mean by `Custom duty' : Write nature and types of custom duty in India.
