RTMNU PAPER SET :- (M. B. A.) Examination ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT MBA Environmental management Question Papers nagpur University
N. B. :(1) Attempt five questions.
(2) Atleast two questions from each section are
(3) All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is sustainable development ~ Explain the premises, preconditions and agenda for sustainable development.
2. State the, types of Natural resources and its associated problems; Discuss the role of individual in conservation of natural resources.
3. What do you mean by ecosystem '- Enumerate different types of ecosystem found in nature.
4. How does global papulation growth affects the environment and human beings %
5. Write notes on (any two) :
(a) Environment Impact Assessment
. (b) Community Biodiversity register
c) The wild Life Protection Act.
(d) Clearance for establishing industry.
6. (a) What is green house effects : How does it affect temperature and life on earth ?
(b) Describe how does chemical fertilizers and pesticides affect environment. How soil pollution can be controlled ?
7. Enlist pollutant generated from Domestic and Municipal activities. Discuss their ill effect on environment and measures to control them.
8. Elaborate the value of diversity and discuss Hot spot of biodiversity.
9. What are the effects of noise pollution on human and animal life : Discuss various dangerous effects of radiation on environment.
10. Write notes on (any two'i
(a) Energy Conservation
(b) Self initiation
(c) Environmental Ethics
(d) Problems and concerns of resettlement due to construction of dams.
MDN/KS/09 - 1873-A
Second Semester Master of Business Administration (M. B. A.) Examination
(New Course)
Time : Three Hours I [ Max. Marks : 80
Second Semester Master of Business Administration (M. B. A.) Examination
(New Course)
Time : Three Hours I [ Max. Marks : 80
N. B. :(1) Attempt five questions.
(2) Atleast two questions from each section are
(3) All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is sustainable development ~ Explain the premises, preconditions and agenda for sustainable development.
2. State the, types of Natural resources and its associated problems; Discuss the role of individual in conservation of natural resources.
3. What do you mean by ecosystem '- Enumerate different types of ecosystem found in nature.
4. How does global papulation growth affects the environment and human beings %
5. Write notes on (any two) :
(a) Environment Impact Assessment
. (b) Community Biodiversity register
c) The wild Life Protection Act.
(d) Clearance for establishing industry.
6. (a) What is green house effects : How does it affect temperature and life on earth ?
(b) Describe how does chemical fertilizers and pesticides affect environment. How soil pollution can be controlled ?
7. Enlist pollutant generated from Domestic and Municipal activities. Discuss their ill effect on environment and measures to control them.
8. Elaborate the value of diversity and discuss Hot spot of biodiversity.
9. What are the effects of noise pollution on human and animal life : Discuss various dangerous effects of radiation on environment.
10. Write notes on (any two'i
(a) Energy Conservation
(b) Self initiation
(c) Environmental Ethics
(d) Problems and concerns of resettlement due to construction of dams.
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