NAGPUR UNIVERSITY :- (M. B. A) Examination : ORGANISATION BEHAVIOUR AND DEVELOPMENT - MBA Organisation behaviour & development Question papers Nagpur university
1. Elaborate the concept `Organisational Behaviour'. Describe the nature and components of organisations. Why do organisations exist %
2. What do you mean by the term 'Perception' ? What determines perception ? Discuss its various forms.
3. Define Learning. Explain the theories of classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
4. What is meant by `Attitude' ? Discuss the different components of attitudes. How does attitude related with behaviour ?
Write notes on (any two)
(a) Motivation and Health
(b) Mc clelland's Achievement Theory of Motivation.
(c)Application of motivation concept.
(d) X and Y.'Theory of Motivation.
6. Explain the concepts Groups and Teams. What are the general criteria for selecting team members and team building %
7. (a)Explain substantive and emotional conflicts.
(b)State the causes and sources of conflict in an organisation.
8. "Change is the lifeline of the organisation". Elucidate.
9. What is organisation development % Discuss its need and process.
10. Write notes on (any two) :
(a)Grid Training
(b)Survey method and feedback.
(c)Transactional Analysis
(d)Process consultation method.
MDN/KS/09 - 1871-A
Second Semester Master of Business Administration (M. B. A) Examination
(New Course)
Time : Three Hours I [ Max. Marks : 80
N. B. (1) Attempt five questions. At Least two questions from each section are compulsory. (2) All questions carry equal marks.Second Semester Master of Business Administration (M. B. A) Examination
(New Course)
Time : Three Hours I [ Max. Marks : 80
1. Elaborate the concept `Organisational Behaviour'. Describe the nature and components of organisations. Why do organisations exist %
2. What do you mean by the term 'Perception' ? What determines perception ? Discuss its various forms.
3. Define Learning. Explain the theories of classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
4. What is meant by `Attitude' ? Discuss the different components of attitudes. How does attitude related with behaviour ?
Write notes on (any two)
(a) Motivation and Health
(b) Mc clelland's Achievement Theory of Motivation.
(c)Application of motivation concept.
(d) X and Y.'Theory of Motivation.
6. Explain the concepts Groups and Teams. What are the general criteria for selecting team members and team building %
7. (a)Explain substantive and emotional conflicts.
(b)State the causes and sources of conflict in an organisation.
8. "Change is the lifeline of the organisation". Elucidate.
9. What is organisation development % Discuss its need and process.
10. Write notes on (any two) :
(a)Grid Training
(b)Survey method and feedback.
(c)Transactional Analysis
(d)Process consultation method.
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